At the Apple Orchard

At the Apple Orchard

August 14th 2007

August 14th 2007
Welcome to our blog! Dave and I were married August 14th 2007 in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. I can't speak for Dave, but I love being married! ~I am pretty sure he does too. :) It is so great to have someone to share my life with. We have so much fun together. We love traveling and spending time with our family and friends. Here is a little bit more about us...
Dave served a 2 year religious mission in the Dominican Republic. He then graduated from the University of Utah with a degree in business finance while also completing his pre-medical requirements. He attended Creighton University school of medicine. He started in the fall of 2009. He is now a resident in dermatology and internal medicine at University of Wisconsin hospitals.
I graduated from the University of Utah in Elementary Education. I taught 2nd grade at Bancroft Elementary. Bancroft is a great school and I loved working with everyone there. When Cole was born I decided to stay at home with him. I am loving every minute of my time with him.
We have made so many great friends in Omaha and in Madison. But we still love and miss our family and friends in Utah! We hope this blog will help them feel connected to us, even if we aren't around as much as we'd like to be. Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Cole 0-8 weeks

I can't believe how quickly the first 8 weeks have gone since we had our sweet baby boy. He has filled our lives with so much love! Dave and I are so grateful to have him in our family.
Cole has changed so much already. At first he just slept so much, and gradually he has become so much more alert and strong. He can hold his head up so well now. He likes to do belly time and sit in his bumbo chair now. But he still loves being held most of all. :) Which is so cute and fun for us.
Dave has joked from the beginning that he wanted him to be talking and walking by 1 month. Haha! But Cole has done one thing that is way ahead of the game. At just under 5 weeks old he rolled from his belly to his back 3 times in a row. We knew that would be hard to believe so we caught the last one on video. He didn't do it again for a couple weeks, but this last week and a bit he has done it on several more occasions. We thought it was a fluke because he was on a soft bed the first time. But now he rolls over when he is doing tummy time on the floor! Pretty impressive. Rolling over usually happens between 3-4 months old. 
Belly Time

Cole has had a very fun filled life so far. At 4 weeks he flew with us to Utah for Dave's sister's wedding.
At 5 weeks we drove to Wisconsin to look at houses.
And at 6 weeks we went Sioux Falls, South Dakota. We spent the weekend at Teissa and Casey's cabin.

Dahlia, Dave, Cole, Casey, Teissa, Bella and Isaac

So Cole had already been in 5 States by the time he was 6 weeks old. He is beginning life as a traveler. Hopefully he will continue to have a life filled with traveling to new places.

Here is Cole and his first girlfriends.

Harley and Cole 11 days apart

Cole and Elizabeth. Will they both be archers? Pui
Cole has been such a

sweet happy baby. He hardley cries and loves to smile at us. But we have had a bit of a scare the last few weeks. The day Cole turned 5 weeks old we noticed that he had some flecks of blood in his stool. We took him to the doctor the next morning, who didn't seem too worried. He told us that it is probably a reaction to something I am eating. So I began cutting things out. Over the past 3 weeks I cut out dairy, soy, eggs, and nuts. It has improved but not gone away. Hopefully we can get it all figured out. MSPI affects so many kids and can run in families, so I am crossing my finger that our next doesn't have this same problem. It is a good diet though. It's probably the only diet that I've ever really wanted to keep. Knowing that what I eat could potentially be hurting my baby makes it easy to stick with it.

Dave and Cole

Walking to the Garden

Today Cole is 1 month and 28 days old almost 2 months. :) He slept 8 hrs and 37 minutes last night. His longest stretch ever. From 9:15pm until about 6am. We were very happy!!
Here is a picture of him in the bath this evening before bed.

More Belly Time

I love this one!

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