At the Apple Orchard

At the Apple Orchard

August 14th 2007

August 14th 2007
Welcome to our blog! Dave and I were married August 14th 2007 in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. I can't speak for Dave, but I love being married! ~I am pretty sure he does too. :) It is so great to have someone to share my life with. We have so much fun together. We love traveling and spending time with our family and friends. Here is a little bit more about us...
Dave served a 2 year religious mission in the Dominican Republic. He then graduated from the University of Utah with a degree in business finance while also completing his pre-medical requirements. He attended Creighton University school of medicine. He started in the fall of 2009. He is now a resident in dermatology and internal medicine at University of Wisconsin hospitals.
I graduated from the University of Utah in Elementary Education. I taught 2nd grade at Bancroft Elementary. Bancroft is a great school and I loved working with everyone there. When Cole was born I decided to stay at home with him. I am loving every minute of my time with him.
We have made so many great friends in Omaha and in Madison. But we still love and miss our family and friends in Utah! We hope this blog will help them feel connected to us, even if we aren't around as much as we'd like to be. Enjoy!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Nauvoo and Kansas City

Last weekend, the 8-9th of October, I got to go to Nauvoo. It was so cool! I went with some girls who live by me, Melanie Jacobsen, Tosha Williams, Marissa Schenk, and Cathrine Grandy. We drove down Friday evening and then spent the day Saturday and drove home that night. It was such a quick trip but it was really fun. We had such a fun group of girls! I had never been to Nauvoo so I loved seeing all the sites. I felt like I learned so much and just got such a good feel for how living there would have been for the early Latter Day Saint people. There was such a spirit of joy there. It was a beautiful city right next to the Mississippi River. I can’t imagine how sad it would have been when they had to leave their beautiful homes and temple, but the years they had there where happy.

We did so much in our day there, but I would love to go back. There is so much to see! We walked through several restored houses. We learned about gun making in the Browning house, Jonathan Browning invented the repeating rifle and the 6 shot. Pretty cool stuff. Dave would love to see that house. I can’t wait to go with him.

At the brick shop they told us how bricks where made there in Nauvoo. It was a long process it would take weeks for the bricks to be ready to use. We also got to learn about bread making, rope making (we actually made a rope), rug making, and candle making. I am glad I live today! Ha ha!

We learned more about the founding of the Relief Society too. What a wonderful organization. I am so happy to be a part of it. It is amazing how much good it has done and still does for people all over the world.

Well Dave and I are in Kansas City this weekend. We are down here for the marathon and for the amazing BBQ! I will have to post some pictures later about our trip here.

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