At the Apple Orchard

At the Apple Orchard

August 14th 2007

August 14th 2007
Welcome to our blog! Dave and I were married August 14th 2007 in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. I can't speak for Dave, but I love being married! ~I am pretty sure he does too. :) It is so great to have someone to share my life with. We have so much fun together. We love traveling and spending time with our family and friends. Here is a little bit more about us...
Dave served a 2 year religious mission in the Dominican Republic. He then graduated from the University of Utah with a degree in business finance while also completing his pre-medical requirements. He attended Creighton University school of medicine. He started in the fall of 2009. He is now a resident in dermatology and internal medicine at University of Wisconsin hospitals.
I graduated from the University of Utah in Elementary Education. I taught 2nd grade at Bancroft Elementary. Bancroft is a great school and I loved working with everyone there. When Cole was born I decided to stay at home with him. I am loving every minute of my time with him.
We have made so many great friends in Omaha and in Madison. But we still love and miss our family and friends in Utah! We hope this blog will help them feel connected to us, even if we aren't around as much as we'd like to be. Enjoy!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Student Teaching

So I can't believe it but I am done student teaching! This past year seems like it has flown by in many ways.... and in many ways it seems like it has been a very, very long year. Some things that happened 10 or 11 months ago seem like another life! LOL. Today was the orientation for the new students who are beginning their student teaching year. Many of my graduating class went to talk to the new students and answer their questions. Kali and I were talking about some of the things that went on last fall. So much has happened since then! We have all changed our ideas, many times, and have grown so much as educators... We have become educators when we were not! It is so fun to be done!

It is weird and kinda sad and yet so amazing that we are graduating. My cohort group and especially my school group have become so close! It is a little bitter sweet to be graduating and moving on. Dave and I will be moving out of the state and many others will be as well. Chalee and Jared may even move to Africa if they join the Peace Corps! Very exciting! I will miss seeing all of my friends often! But I am excited for the new fun adventures that will fill my life. I know that Dave and I will have a great time wherever we go. I am so happy that I am married to my best friend so I never have to face my adventures alone.

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