I have gotten so bad at blogging! I hate when it starts to feel like a chore!! Oh well, I can’t believe it is already 2011, and almost February. This last year went by so fast. Dave and I have both stayed busy. We have made great friends. We work and play hard. We will be sad to move away in a couple years.
Last semester we were back and forth between here and Utah quite a bit. Dave’s brother Mike got married to a darling girl named Nivea. So we were able to come home the week before Thanksgiving for the wedding. It was so fun! The wedding was beautiful! They are such a gorgeous couple.
Then a few weeks later my grandfather passed away. Not a happy reason to go home, but I was very glad I was able to make it home for the funeral. I love my grandpa Furrow so much. I will miss him! It was a very nice service. I saw a lot of cousins and other relatives that I hadn’t seen in years. So that part of it was fun.
A couple weeks later we were back in Utah for our Christmas break. We spent a week there and then a week in Hawaii. We had so much fun. We went to family parties, which is always some of my favorite memories from Christmas. We read about the Savior, and thought a lot about his birth and his life. I always leave the Christmas season feeling renewed and also inspired to be a better version of me. I am so thankful for Jesus Christ and for Heavenly Father. I love that during the holidays I am so much more mindful of blessings that come from them.
For the New Year I like to make goals as most everyone probably does. Here are some of them. I want to work out more. I want to be a happy and fun wife. I want to be a great teacher. I want to be more patient. I want to be more thoughtful of others and less selfish. I want to work hard, and not be lazy.
I also want June17th to come as fast as possible. I can’t wait! That is the day Dave will definitely have taken the 1st board test for medical school. We will absolutely be celebrating! The hardest test of his life will be in the past! Yay! That will be a great day.
After the Christmas break I got called to serve in the Young Woman’s presidency of my ward. That has been so fun. We have a really great group of leaders and young woman. I am excited to get to know them all better!
Dave’s sister Jen is leaving for her mission this week, she goes to Guatemala! I am so proud of her for going. I am sure she will have so many wonderful experiences, while she is serving the people there by teaching them about Christ. Dave and I got to go to the temple with her during the Christmas break. It was so fun to be there with almost all of Dave’s family.
I am going to add some pictures soon! :)