We have had such a fun and busy summer this year. We of course have a new addition to our family. Cole makes life so fun, new and exciting. He is so darling and is such a happy friendly baby. He has added so much to our lives!
Dave started his medical residency at University of Wisconsin in Madison. He is specializing in dermatology and internal medicine. He is in his intern year, which is crazy busy. The last 8 weeks he had 6 days off total. It was tiring to say the least. But he is on a dermatology month now which is nice because he has weekends off and works normal hours. So Cole and I are enjoying seeing him more.
Since moving to Wisconsin we have been able to do a bit of exploring. We have really enjoyed Devil's Lake. We have been there several times. It is only about 45 minutes from our house. It looks like a mountain lake in Utah. But it is warm because of course it is not nearly as high an elevation as the mountain lakes are. Which makes it nice to swim in. There is lots of hiking, rock climbing and water activities there.
There are 2 big lakes in Madison, Lake Mendota and Lake Menona. There are tons of fun walks and beaches right here in the city that we have enjoyed discovering.
We have also taken a couple trips to Chicago. We went to a Cubs game at Wriggly Stadium and just enjoyed the the city. We are planning a trip to Milwaukee. We are excited to see that city too.
A couple weeks ago Cole and I drove to Omaha for a little trip to visit our friends there. Marissa had a baby girl and we wanted to see her. It was so fun. One of our friends, Melanie actually flew in for the weekend from Utah with her 2 kids.And Lisa and Heather are both living in Kansas City now and they both came up with their kids. It was so fun to see so many of my Omaha friends!
Dave's parents came out for a visit a few weeks ago. They got Cole and I out a lot! We had so much fun going to the zoo and wandering around downtown. Madison has a lot of fun things to do. We also spent a lot of time just hanging out at the house. Cole was very spoiled with all the fun grandparent time! Dave's brother Jon and his wife Jana drove up from St. Louis for a couple days while their parents were here as well. It is always fun to see Jon and Jana! They are such a sweet couple.
Cole has been growing and learning new skills so quickly! He has been sitting up well by himself since he was about 4 months old. His 2 bottom teeth came in at 6 and a half months. He loves to laugh and is very ticklish, especially when he is tired. When he is sleepy he often gets really silly and slap happy. The littlest things will make him laugh so hard that he can barely breathe. It is adorable!!
He has been eating solid food since 4 months. It took him a couple weeks to loose the tongue thrust, but once he did we couldn't feed him fast enough. He loves to eat. Whenever Dave and I are eating he opens his mouth and is totally prepared for us to let him take a huge bit of our burger or what-not, which of course we don't give him!! He also LOVES to drink whatever mommy is drinking! Whenever he sees me get a glass of water or fill up my water bottle he gets a huge grin on his face. I always get him a glass and let him drink like a big kid. He really enjoys that. He is really getting good at eating finger foods now as well. He started figuring it out around 6 months. That has been really nice!
He has also gotten to be such a good sleeper. After I got back from Omaha, since Dave's work schedule isn't as crazy right now, I decided to cut out his early morning feeding. Now he goes from 7-7:30 pm through to 6 am-ish. I'm trying to push it back until we are going 7-7 give or take. He is doing really well. He used to wake up wanting to eat around 3:30-4 am. So it is nice for me to not get up with him that early anymore.
Cole is really friendly and loves spending time with other kids. Luckily we have lots of great neighbors and friends who also have darling little kids! Cole loves to smile at them and play with their toys. :) He is a such a little cutie, he smiles as soon as he sees the camera. So we have so many great smiley pictures of him. He is already so photogenic which is so fun for me. He is such a fun baby.
At the Apple Orchard

August 14th 2007
Welcome to our blog! Dave and I were married August 14th 2007 in the Salt Lake LDS Temple. I can't speak for Dave, but I love being married! ~I am pretty sure he does too. :) It is so great to have someone to share my life with. We have so much fun together. We love traveling and spending time with our family and friends. Here is a little bit more about us...
Dave served a 2 year religious mission in the Dominican Republic. He then graduated from the University of Utah with a degree in business finance while also completing his pre-medical requirements. He attended Creighton University school of medicine. He started in the fall of 2009. He is now a resident in dermatology and internal medicine at University of Wisconsin hospitals.
I graduated from the University of Utah in Elementary Education. I taught 2nd grade at Bancroft Elementary. Bancroft is a great school and I loved working with everyone there. When Cole was born I decided to stay at home with him. I am loving every minute of my time with him.
We have made so many great friends in Omaha and in Madison. But we still love and miss our family and friends in Utah! We hope this blog will help them feel connected to us, even if we aren't around as much as we'd like to be. Enjoy!
Dave served a 2 year religious mission in the Dominican Republic. He then graduated from the University of Utah with a degree in business finance while also completing his pre-medical requirements. He attended Creighton University school of medicine. He started in the fall of 2009. He is now a resident in dermatology and internal medicine at University of Wisconsin hospitals.
I graduated from the University of Utah in Elementary Education. I taught 2nd grade at Bancroft Elementary. Bancroft is a great school and I loved working with everyone there. When Cole was born I decided to stay at home with him. I am loving every minute of my time with him.
We have made so many great friends in Omaha and in Madison. But we still love and miss our family and friends in Utah! We hope this blog will help them feel connected to us, even if we aren't around as much as we'd like to be. Enjoy!