Dahlia, Chealse, Mandi, Megan and Lisa

Here are the BBQ pictures
Chealse and Dan

Matt and Melanie, Lisa

Emily, Sam and Shauna (Some of our new neighbors!!)

Marissa, her friend from hygiene school, Megan and Tani

Me, Mandi, Catherine

Lisa, Katie, Megan, Me, Chealse, Heather,
and Shauna, she is behind Chealse and me

Village Green is so much fun! We have really enjoyed living here.
The summer is a time for a lot of change. The majority of the residence here are students at Creighton. Mostly Dental, and Law, some Medical and a few Physical Therapy. It makes it very sad and also exciting when the summer comes. Many students are graduating and moving out and many are moving in to begin their education.
Last year wasn't as sad for us because Dave and I had only been in here for about 9 months. This year was a bit more sad saying goodbye to the people we had become friends with. Next year will be even more sad because some of our closest friends will be moving on.
After the graduating class moves out it is fun to meet all new students! We have a lot of new couples in our ward, and area, that are seem so nice. We are excited to get to know them better. It is going to be a fun year!