It is super rainy today here in Omaha, but it is summer vacation. Yay!! I am so happy! I LOVE summer so much. Last week was my last student day. This week I had work time in my room, and planning time for summer school. I am teaching a few weeks of summer school and my friend, and co-worker is teaching the other two weeks for me. Dave and I will be out of town (California) and then I will be at girl's camp. I cannot wait!
Cali will be especially fun and relaxing because Dave will be done with the step one medical boards. Whew! He is studying so hard. Seriously I have never seen him study so much for so long. It is a 7-hour test, so definitely not something you can cram for. I will be so relieved for him when it is over. I know he will be happy to have it over. Cross your fingers for him! I am sure he is going to do really well. :) But he could use all the prayers he can get to help him through these last couple weeks of studying.
I haven't posted in a while and I have lots of pictures so here are some picture updates...
The Donut Stop, this place is only open at 9pm until morning. Weird! This is one of the wall decorations. haha

Dave Studying

Easter Dinner at the Schenks

My class doing the Pledge of Allegiance

Happy Birthday to me!! Thanks Dave. :)

Justin and Becca, from Utah, were at the Phantom of the Opera the same night we were!
What are the odds? We had fun catching up with them.

Dinner party with the Young Woman's Presidency. We have such a fun group!

Putting up the pinata rope wasn't easy!

Fontenelle Forest field trip

Literacy Fair Dress Rehearsal