Some of my friends and I here at Village Green are planning a Halloween party. Everyone is invited, so if you are reading this and you live in Omaha you should come! :) If you don't live here, you are more than welcome to come out and attend as well. I was called to help with activities in my ward lately so I will be helping to plan our ward party. And of course I will be having a party in my 2nd grade class. So I am sure I will get my fill of Halloween fun!
Well I have been really bad at keeping my blog going lately. I have been so busy, I feel like I haven't had a spare moment. This week I had a Young Women's activity that took about 3 and a half hours on wednesday night. Thursday night I hosted a Married to Medicine girl's night at my house. Friday was my ward Chili and Pie cook-off, which I helped plan. Saturday was the Relief Society Broadcast. Which was wonderful. I am so glad I was able to go and here the talks. I always want to try harder to be a good person after listening to the leaders of the church give advise and council.
The Prophet, gave some really good council and was very blunt. He said that we should not judge others. We should not worry so much about what a person looks like or how they dress. What a person should be measured by is how they act. I know we all know this, but it is always a good reminder. We live in a world that is completely focused on the outward appearance. If you aren't skinny, to the extreme, dressed to the max and beautiful you are overlooked and counted as naught. It is sad. Those are not the things that make us special. I hope that I can always remember not to judge others on appearance. I really try not too. I know that if I do judge that I will miss out on having uplifting, meaningful friendships.
Well that was last week... I can't remember everything we have done since we've been back in Omaha, but I will write about a few fun things.
Labor Day weekend Dave and I drove down to Kansas City with our friends Matt and Melanie Jacobsen. We just went for the day on Saturday. We got there around noon and grabbed some lunch then we headed to Ocean's of Fun. It is a water park. It was so fun! They had some great rides. So we spent the day hanging out in the wave pool and splashing down the water slides. I actually ran into a girl from my homeward there. Natalie Anderson. I can't remember her married name... Her husband is in medical school as well. She is a few hours from Kansas City just like we are. How random that we would both be in Ocean's of Fun when neither of us live there! So after the water park we headed to dinner. Kansas City has the most amazing BBQ ever. Last year when we were there for the marathon we ate at a place called Oklahoma Joe's. This time we tried Jack Stacks. It was so good. When we were waiting for a table Natalie came walking up to us, they ended up at the same restaurant too!
We had so much fun with Matt and Melanie. We love hanging out with them. Matt is in his 3rd year of Dental school at Creighton and Melanie is an Accountant. They are always planning fun activities, we love it. Dave and I have talked a lot about doing service missions after he is done with school. When we where in Dominican Republic last summer we talked about it a lot. And we ran into a group doing a service mission at the end of our trip. Matt and Mel want to do the same thing. He went on his mission to Brazil so we already have a couple places on our list. :) Hopefully we can make it work out.
A girl in my ward here, Nikki Anderson and I started a work out group a month or so ago. That has been really fun. We all take turns teaching or bringing workout videos. Tomorrow I am teaching yoga. Yay! I love yoga. I was super sick yesterday so hopefully I won't be a lame teacher tomorrow. It should be ok. I am feeling much better today. I actually went to the zoo this afternoon and walked all over. I had a no student work day and we had a team building/ wellness activity. It was a scavenger hunt. It was fun to get out with the other teachers and staff and enjoy the nice weather.
Dave and I walked around the Botanical Gardens Saturday afternoon. That was so beautiful. The rose garden smelled like heaven. It was amazing. We saw tons of frogs in the ponds and even spotted a turtle in one of the ponds. It was so cute! ~Oh, I can't wait for Hawaii this winter break. Hopefully we see a lot of big turtles!
What else have I done? hmm... Well there are lots of new medical student's who are married. So that is fun. One couple, Marissa and Brad Schenk moved in right across the street from us. They are so much fun. We have become really great friends with them. Marissa is such a sweet, fun girl and Brad and Dave are a lot alike. So it's perfect. Marissa and I actually entered a craft fair a couple weeks ago and we have another one in a month. That has been fun. I love doing crafts so this gives us some extra drive to do something we both really enjoy.
Well other than that we have had some really fun BBQ's and date nights with friends. We have hung out with Teissa and Casey. They had a BBQ at there house and we have done dinner nights. They have been out to her parent's in Iowa a lot so we haven't seen them as much as usual though. There kids are so cute and fun!
There is a new couple in our ward, Lisa and Matt McCoy. I went to high school with him. He was in my class. And they bought Lisa and Adam Stanely's townhouse. I went to High school with both of them too! I thought that was an interesting coincidence. They are a really nice couple. We feel so blessed to have so many great friends and neighbors here in Omaha. We miss our families but we feel at home here. We are so glad to have this great community of people who are all in similar positions as us. It really makes this busy crazy time more enjoyable. Especially for me, when Dave is studying a lot.